Well, why does one start a blog??
I guess when a lot of crazy life happens and when you think back on the day, you can’t help but think your life is like a standup comedy act. So you just have to throw it out there in the universe, and maybe one day read back and think what the hell were we thinking.
What the HELL were we thinking?
We decided to have 2 babies 16 moths apart, living in a one bedroom. Then we decided to sell that said one bedroom as we got pregnant with baby girl number 2, while the housing market clearly had other ideas. So, while cleaning and puking for about 6 months straight, we managed to cut our losses and sell 2 months before I was due. We then ran around like crazy animals trying to swipe up SOMETHING with a piece of land and a roof halfway across the city. All that WHILE being 8 months pregnant and with a one year old in tow who clearly wasn’t happy that her nap time was on hold almost every day. By some luck of the draw the stars aligned and we somehow signed on the house and decided to brave moving with a 17 month old and a 6 week old after a c-section. Fast forward 4 months, our house is a full on construction zone with a self proclaimed 22 month old nudist and a way to curious crawling 5 month old who clearly thinks sleeping is overrated.
I’ll sleep when I’m dead right.

These are my two little crazies !!

My oldest one LOVES books

The most productive helper EVER!!

Favourite part of the day by far
So who is this blog for? Maybe its for me to read back one day and laugh . Maybe its for friends and family to follow along and laugh with me. And maybe for anyone and everyone else who find themselves living a crazy life and just want to feel like they aren’t the only crazies out there.
Bon soir my friends, may this night be filled with more than 5 hours of sleep!!
I love this, and am so glad I found your blog! I started at the FP moccasins posts because I really want to get a pair for my 5 month old- they’re so cute! And then I made my way over to the 2 under 2 post which I loved because I’m starting to get to the point of considering when we should have another baby! (My little girl is 5 months). Decisions decisions! Anyway I love your blog!