On Tuesday my husband came home sick from work and with that brought the ‘Bubonic plague’ onto us all. When he first got ill, he was sure it was good ol’ food poisoning because he felt sick right after eating out.
Little did we know it was a NASTY VIRUS.
First he fell, then followed Ava and I was next in line finished up by lil Sophie. When Ava got sick, let me tell ya, I was petrified (for many reasons) since I had no idea how to deal with a puking toddler. I was afraid Sophie was going to get sick, she’s only 21 months old so the concept of a bucket would not work so well for her. I was afraid we would ALL get sick at the same time and then what?
Thankfully we all took turns.
But let me tell ya, a puking toddler is not for the faint of heart.
I would compare the night she was getting sick right up there next to labour. She was getting sick every 10 minutes, I was just laying there on the floor with her bucket waiting for the next wave to hit her.
Thankfully at 3am she could finally hold some water in and we all got a few hours of sleep.
Thank you so much for those who replied to my stories and gave me all your advice. I took every bit of it and it all helped.
Here are a few life saving tips I have for YOU…
- Make sure to cover their bed with towels in case some vomit gets on it, you can swap it out real quick and nothing ends up ruined
- Make them take tiny sips of water (avoid dehydration)
- Pedialite for the WIN
- Children’s gravol and Tylenol for the aches (after they stop getting sick)
- Lysol or some other disinfectant
- Curl up into a ball and hope it’s over soon (didn’t quite work for me)
It’s taking us all a long time to recover from the “plague” and I think we are all looking forward to eating more than broth and rice with crackers ?
Believe it or not 6 days later we are STILL not back to normal and its not spread on to my poor parents. On a positive note, I can skip out of gym for next week and not feel a ping of guilt cuz 5lbs flew off me like a hot damn.
Stay healthy everyone!!!
Oh no!!!! I hope everyone feels better soon!!! <3