Since I’ve been living the teething life for about 8 months I thought I’d share some of mine and other mom’s tips and tricks with ya.
Where do I start…
When I had Ava I was utterly terrified of teething, I kept waiting for the ball to drop and the teething nightmare to begin… But it didn’t. Teeth never bothered Ava (my oldest), she might have have some minor discomfort and some mild moodiness, but they seemed to just come in and never give us much grief.
But then I had Sophie.. And the tables turned. She started teething at the age of 3.5 months and started sprouting teeth at 6 months…. And the teething hasn’t stopped since. Where Ava could pop a tooth and not even notice, poor Sophie is miserable before, during, and after. We’ve battled sleepless nights, upset tummies, low grade fevers and buckets of drool.
What I’ve also figured out is that certain things work for some kids but not for others.
The kind Agatha from Martina’s has sent me over a teething necklace for Sophie, and it has been a godsend for drooling. Which is funny as it never did anything for Ava (hence her necklace got donated).
Also, I’ve had to try a million different teethers to find the ones that my kiddos loved. So just because your baby hated one doesn’t mean the next one won’t work.
Martina’s also makes the cutest wooden teethers (as seen in photos) and other teething goodies, watch out for a GIVEAWAY.
Tylenol/Advil has been used and used again. My husband is not the biggest fan of giving a lot of medicine but sometimes you just have to do it.
And breastfeeding, we’ve spent a LOT of time breastfeeding.
As I am not the end all be all teething expert, I’ve asked some other awesome mamas what helped their kiddos with teething.
Here’s what they’ve come up with:
Rai – Boron Camilla drops and a teething necklace
KyLea – Hylands teething tablets and punkin butt oil
Anita – Frozen fruit in mesh pacifier has really helped us. Also cucumber
Inez – Nursing and Hyland teething tablets
Diane – Lots of cuddles
Stacey– Frozen blueberries, Ice pops made in bottle teats (it’s in the article) and honestly I am a believer in pain relief! And cucumber
Shahla – Green sprouts- they make a silicone baby safe toothbrush that soothed my son better than any teether.
Marilyn – I gave my daughter extra cuddles which seems to work best for both of us.
Elizabeth – I use the mesh food feeders and put ice in it.
Hope some of this comes in handy for you guys and best of luck.
Just remember, this too shall pass!!
I wish I had known about teething necklaces when my kids were little. We stuck with teething tablets and gel teething toys. I’ll keep this in mind if we have another 🙂