Secret To Glowing Skin For Every Busy Mom on a Budget
We all know that being a mom is the busiest job in the world. We often put ourselves on the backburner and put our family and kids in front of us. This blueberry and yogurt face mask takes 10 seconds to whip up and apply, you can even do it while cooking dinner. BONUS, you can even let the kids eat the leftovers. WIN WIN RIGHT?
In those early days of motherhood, let’s all admit, taking care of ourselves is NOT at the top of our priority list as we often don’t have the time or even the resources to treat ourselves to expensive beauty products or trips to the spa. We don’t have the time to spend hours wandering the drugstore aisles or taking the time out of our day to make extensive recipes with the ingredients we don’t have in our fridge and will never remember to buy.
But let’s all admit the sleepless nights, the hours soothing crying babies and our non-existing beauty routines do no favors for our skin. A simple face mask can make you feel more awake, beautiful and refreshed and make your skin have a healthy glow. So enough with the talking and on with the recipe. You ready? Here I go.
1 tablespoon of plain yogurt and 3 medium sized blueberries.
Keep it on your face for about 5-10 minutes or until the mask dries.
THAT IS IT!! I used Greek yogurt but you can use any plain kind.
Mix up and crush the blueberries with yogurt and apply to your face and don’t forget the neck.
This simple mask has endless benefits; it restores and hydrates the skin giving it elasticity, smoothes out the wrinkles, repairs weather damage, helps with skin dryness as well as removing the oiliness.
It helps getting rid of blemishes, shrinks the pores and gives your skin a healthy glow.
This is also an amazing remedy for sunburn, so keep it in mind now that we are headed for the summer months.

My little mini loves to be a part of a pampering session.
Tip: If you are going out and want your makeup to look flawless, apply the mask right before putting on makeup and your face will look magazine cover worthy.
Thank You to my beautiful mother who has given me this amazing recipe, there is a reason why she looks as young as the day she had me
And because who doesn’t love a pretty robe to go with their beauty routine, so I’ve linked a few that caught my eye.
Love it 🙂 Who takes all your photos? 🙂
I take all the ones I’m not in. Dorian takes ones that I am in ?