Looking to send out amazingly cute Christmas cards and surprise all your relatives but don’t have $500 to spare on a photographer? Look no further I have the answer for you!
NEZO ART – the art of a sleeping baby. Or in my case a blinking baby, HA.
Christmas PJ HERE (now on sale)||Dot Puppy PJ HERE (now on sale)
You can do it yourself in the comforts of your own home while your baby is a-snoozing.
This will have aunts and grandparents Ooooing and Awwwing for months.
So what do you do?
You purchase the worlds cutest PJ’s, Carters has the absolute biggest variety to choose from.
You build a little scene from items you have on hand, preferably on a blanket.
You get your baby snoozing and put them down on your set up blanket.
Ya get on a ladder or similar high object or somehow propel yourself off the ceiling (I used a ladder cuz my house is a never ending construction zone and there is always one handy).
And ya snap snap snap (I suggest using the action mode and shoot a gazillion images in one second in case your baby wakes up).
Now some of you might run into a challenge, as I did. Your kid has a mind of their own and she will not sleep under any circumstances even if you try skipping their nap.
Weeeell, it’s okay. In this case you use the high shutter mode and you get dad to go ‘BOO’ while making ridiculously sudden loud noises and BAM WAM hopefully you’ve got your shot.
I’ll let you in on a secret. Sophie is NOT sleeping in ANY of those pictures! NOT EVEN ONE! The child would not nap under any circumstances, so we resorted to making her blink. If only we had the blooper video…
She ended up loving it and thinking it’s a game.
Here are a few tips to make the job easier:
- Set up the scene before the baby falls asleep so you can simply place them there without waking them up
- Tape down as much as possible, if your baby moves, twitches, rolls or isn’t sleeping like mine they won’t end up messing up all your hard work setting up.
- Make sure that the lighting is good for the picture to turn out will
Wish you guys all the best in your attempts 🙂 And if your kids don’t sleep or refuse to blink It will still make for an AMAZING photo. Most of mine looked like this hehe
**This photoshoot was sponsored by Carter’s; however, all thoughts and opinions expressed are my own.
Love this! especially the ones with the eyes open! My fav post of yours so far! it made me smile and giggle
Haha, the model sure was being a bit unruly in the making of the photos. But they sure turned out well!!