How to keep your white sheets white and bright!
If you’ve read my blog for a while or follow me on Instagram, you know my obscene obsession with white.
One of the questions I get asked THE MOST, is how I keep my sheets so white, especially with kids around. So I’ve decided to set everyone’s wonders aside and share my “white formula” with you.
It’s really not that hard, but with that said it does require a little commitment and maintenance. But I don’t mind it at all. That’s what I do when I need to hide from the kids (when hubby is home obviously, haha)
So what are the steps?
Laundry day comes around much more often in my neck of the woods.
I wash my sheets at least once or twice a week. If it’s a particularly busy week and I know I won’t be able to keep up with it, I make sure to wash my pillow cases twice a week and the sheets only once.
Pillow cases are the hardest to keep white as there is more grease in your face/hair from all the products we use. It really does make such a difference when you wash your sheets often and who doesn’t love the smell and feel of clean white sheets.
I find it easier to split up washing the sheets rather then washing it all on the same day. So one day I’ll do the pillows and sheets, the next I’ll do the duvet. Then it doesn’t have to be a big task, just a couple small ones.
Wash your whites ONLY with whites. No pastels or mixed colors.
Now, what products I use.
Since I wash my sheets often, I try to not use a lot of detergent as it tends to not rinse out well and leave residue.
So just a bit of detergent, 1/3 scoop of bleach!
And yes! I use bleach almost every time.
Every few washes I use 1/2 scoop of oxy instead of bleach.
There really isn’t anything else you can use to get the same effect as bleach does, it’s the only thing that will keep your whites truely Snow White! It does wear the sheets out a bit faster which is why I always splurge on my sheets and get good quality ones.
All my sheets have held out really well. I’ve used only 1 duvet cover for 2 years now (that I washed once/twice a week) and it doesn’t have a single hole/rip.
If there is a stain, I use oxy spray-and-wash and it’s gotten every single stain out. With the kids I’ve had all kinds (coffee, blood, spit up, POO).
Also, if you go white, you have to be aware what you put on your body. Self tanners, make up, and even hair dye is a no no as they will stain.
Hope you found this post helpful and all the tips work for you!! Let me know if you have any questions, I’m happy to answer!!
I also got asked what brands I use.
Bleach is bleach so I just get whatever is cheepest. You already know that I use Oxy stain remover (powder) and Oxo spray and wash. For detergent itself I use Tide pods, but I usually cut the pod in half and find that to be more than enough. I also like Persil Pro Clean, again just a little bit works great for me.
Hope you found this post helpful and all the tips work for you!! Let me know if you have any questions, I’m happy to answer!!
Ohmigawd!!!! you just revolutionized my life!!! I never considered the idea of splitting up the washing of the sheets/pillow cases/duvet. AND yes, it does seem like a momentous task all at once. (er, hem….it’s why I don’t do it as often as I should..hangs head in shame) Well, thank you for this golden bit of advice, because I too am a HUUGE fan of white! In fact…I’m going to split up the task of washing my white sofa slipcovers. I usually do all of them and the whole thing at once, when really it’s mostly the seats that need to be done. Yeesh! I wish you told me this sooner! lol but when the student is ready to learn the teacher appears! love you xxxoo
PS I also just switched to Tide pods. Best. Decision. Ever.
Haha!!! Well you know how to make me blush ☺️!! You ARE the teacher !!!!!! We are waiting for the couch ever to to get that ektorp!!!!