This post is sponsored by Milk2Go. The opinions on this blog, as always, are my own.
Anyone have a picky eater on their hands?
Ever since we started solids with Ava we knew we were in for a “fun” ride when it came to this girl and food.
She can be extremely picky and not only with WHAT food she eats but sometimes even with the shape and form of it. What also doesn’t help is that she keeps changing it up on us, one day she loves cucumber “sticks” and a week later she only wants “coins”. I have considered hiring a psychic just to figure out what this girl wants.
When we started preschool we realized that lunches were also going to be a challenge.
She kept coming home with her lunch bag full or partially eaten. On top of being a picky eater, she also kept getting distracted by everything else going on and all the excitement of the day.
When Sophie started daycare the problem doubled, since what one seems to love in her lunch the other one seems to have no interest in.
During my Instagram scroll I found a post of a mom sharing a similar problem to ours and how their kids were much more into their lunches when they had a hand in packing them.
Ever since, we’ve made it into a fun activity where the girls get involved in making their lunch. They make their own star sandwiches and fill up their fruit containers and choose which snack they want.
Lately I’ve discovered shelf stable milk by Milk2Go and it’s been LOVE.
It’s fresh milk without any additives or preservatives that’s pasteurized and bottled in a unique way so it can be stored at room temperature for MONTHS. I love that it’s sold in a 6-pack format, I usually buy a few packs (regular and chocolate for a treat) and store them in the garage, really saves me all the extra shopping for snacks.
The girls LOVE packing them in their lunch and the cute small size of the bottle. It’s the perfect fit for their lunch kit and easy to drink from, and I love that they get so many vitamins and nutrients from them. They think it’s so fun to shake the milk before we open it, always so many giggles when we do it. We always shake them before packing their lunch and they love to remind me how they do it at school before they open it, just like at home.
Making lunches into something fun and getting the kids to participate has made such a big difference.
They come home with their lunch kits empty nearly every time now. I am so happy we found a way to make it work and keep everyone happy, healthy and full!
Give it a try and tell me if it’s made a difference for you.
Being a mom, I completely relate with you. Sometime I ran out of ideas for lunch. Making you kids participate in packing their lunch is a great idea. I will try this too.
Thanks love.