I was contemplating for the longest time how to celebrate my little lady turning 2. I couldn’t decide if we should throw her a party or just have a fun family day with her. In the end we skipped out on the party and embraced our family with the things that little missy loves to do most. Honestly I couldn’t be happier we skipped out on the shabang.
I was THIS close to hosting a party but then thought we have countless birthday party years ahead of us so we decided to keep it small. I took a step back and thought, ‘what would be the least stressful for ALL of us?’ While a party would be a lot of fun no doubt, I thought about our house frozen in renos. I imagined coordinating half a dozen nap times. I Tried to pick a day that worked for ALL the working humans that are involved and while I was thinking through the menu I stopped myself and decided that perhaps we will reserve a party for a later time and just EMBRACE ourselves as a family and keep all our attention and energy on the birthday girl.
The day started out with some gift opening followed by a breakfast outing. The staple of the day was going to the Vancouver Aquarium. Ava loved seeing all the different fish floating around, she pointed out alligators, parrots and snakes. Her favourite were the sea otters “napping” and the dolphin show. We stuffed our faces with french fries (her favourite food at the moment).
We made it back home for nap time which was short lived as the day was just way too exciting for her. We shut the night down by making a bonfire and much to Ava’s excitement our neighbor girl climbed over the fence to come visit her on her special day.
We wore party hats and danced with balloons and blew out a candle (more than once) and devoured some cupcakes.
It was such an amazing day soaking in our baby girl to the fullest. I honestly don’t remember when we spent such an amazing time with the family, just putting everything else on the back burner. I think we often get too distracted with work, cooking, chores and other LIFE errands, that sometimes its important to make it your purpose to shut the world out and love one another.

And we of course made endless “french fries” in the new play kitchen
All in all I think the birthday was a HIT!
Happy birthday to your adorable girl! I can’t believe my girl will be 2 in August. We are skipping the whole big birthday party thing, too. There’s just something about being with family that is way more special. Gorgeous post, mama.
Awwww happy belated birthday to her! If we lived in Vancouver we would totally visit the aquarium. I have so many good memories from there!
Happy birthday to your daughter! My youngest turned two in Feb. and I don’t like it. He’ll be my last baby and its so bittersweet.
What a great idea to take her to the aquarium and to have a bonfire with the family! I love that you chose to spend quality time with her. It’s more about us at this age than it is them any ways – they’ll never remember! Great post. Happy birthday, little one!